I'm feeling a lot like Julie in the movie, "Julie and Julia" tonight. I decided that I would serve boeuf bourguignon (beef burgundy) for a dinner party tomorrow evening which means making it tonight. Right from the book, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" by Julia Child.
My husband gave me the two volume set of Julia Child's books over a year ago as a Christmas gift. Had I even cracked them open? Don't be silly. It actually took a trip to France to remind me that I really do love French cuisine and I really want to challenge myself to make it. So here I am. Almost feeling as if I need to dance around the kitchen making a mess and speaking in a high pitched voices with my chef's hat on. Except I don't have a chef's hat. I knew there was something missing.
So it's too early to tell if it will be edible and ready for prime time. If it doesn't work there are plenty of tried and true recipes that can be brought out, dusted off, and enjoyed in a reasonable amount of time tomorrow. But so far, it really smells awesome.
So say a prayer to the cooking gods that my boeuf will be tender and that I will not do anything to harm it. So far I've learned how to really brown 3 pounds of boeuf (slowly, with dry meat) and I am about to get practice browning mushrooms -- which apparently also have to be bone dry, and the oil very hot for them to brown. Julia Child is absolutely meticulous in her directions (which for most of us is a "thank you Jesus" moment) and she breaks it all way down.
So thanks Julia -- and Julie -- for the inspiration that makes the perspiration worthwhile. Bon appetit!