Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Finding Your Voice

I noticed on the news this evening that much has been made about the suspect in the Boston bombings being able to speak. It is not clear, and it is not easy to understand, but apparently he is able to speak. We place a high priority in having those who have been accused of a crime to speak (or not) in their own defense. It is important that each of us have our own voice.

What is your voice nudging you to say? What do you think that the world needs to hear? Your voice is as unique as your thumbprint or your laugh (I have been told I have a distinctive laugh.) It is one of the things that defines us. It is what distinguishes us from other warm-blooded creatures; our ability to communicate with words to one another.

What are you being called to say? The world needs your voice! Far too many of us will go to bed this night not believing that we have anything to say that the world needs to hear. And we would be wrong.

Through coaching you can learn to speak more clearly and confidently; you can learn to write in a form that allows you to share your message with the world. The next great American novel? Write it! The next great blogger? Be it! The world needs the words that only you can formulate.

Write your life, friends. Write your life. Shift the script. Challenge the status quo. Be who and what God is calling you to be. The world needs your voice.

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